Sunday, October 21, 2012

Start of A Wonderful Adventure

Well for my first official blog post I am going to start about my traveling and life living in Europe. To start off I moved to Germany in January 2009 because my husband is in the US Air force. We were stationed there for the next three and a half years. We have traveled to many places in Europe and we absolutely loved every minute of it.

Our first adventure didn’t really come until about a month after we moved there. It was Valentine’s day 2009 that we decided that it was time to become super adventurous. We decided that we wanted to do a tour with RTT travel. They are a travel company that works on the base that we were stationed at. They set up tours for military families. Anyways the tour we decided to take on Valentine’s Day was a tour to Castles of the Rhine River.

Starting out we left early in the morning from the gas station that was close to our house. The parking there confused us because of the fact it was our first trip with RTT travel and also that we didn’t want our car towed because we didn’t park in the right area. After we figured out the parking situation we got on the bus to head toward the castles.

When we arrived in the area we first went into a wine and schnapps tasting. Since we were both so young it was our first ever tasting. The drinks there were really good. We actually ended up buying a bottle of peach schnapps to take home with us. (It didn’t last long.) After that we headed up towards the castle. The roads in Germany are usually pretty small to begin with but the tiny side road that lead up to the castle made me so nervous that I didn’t think that we were going to go up it. When we got up the steep tiny hill we were finally at the castle.

The castle that we went to is calledBurg Reichenstein. It was our first castle. It was beautiful on the outside. It was everything I thought a castle would be. The inside was great. The walls were full of art and antlers. There were full suits of armour everywhere. The furniture inside was so ornate with beautiful detail. The inside was pretty cold though but that could have been because it was February. Burg Reichenstein is one of the oldest castles on the Rhine River so it was a really nice way to start off our adventures in Germany and Europe.

After we were done exploring a gorgeous castle we headed down to the Rhine River to go on the river cruise. It was a half an hour long it was really nice. We got to see some of the stunning valley that the river was in. After the cruise we headed to dinner at a really nice place. It was a old wine cellar. It was renovated to look amazing. It had lights that hung from the ceiling and it was lit with candles. It was like something out of a movie. At the end of the dinner there was entertainment. One man with no one but himself started singing a wonderful opera song. His voice filled the room and silly me I was so into the music I forgot to record it.

It was a great first adventure in Germany and I was very happy that we went on it. It was the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day with my lovely husband.

My Little Travel Page

This section of my blog will be me just talking about where I have been in the world and where I would love to go in the future! I will talk about the good, the bad and the really bad when it comes to traveling.